The Well Armed Woman
A firearms site owned and operated by Carrie Lightfoot. One excellent feature is her series of videos demonstrating various holsters designed for women.
Cornered Cat
While it advertises that it is a woman's guide to concealed carry, it contains a lot of usefule articles regarding shooting, shooting techniques, common problems, etc. The information translates to all uses of firearms. The site is operated by Kathy Jackson, a firearms instructor in the Seattle area. Check out her articles.
Girls Guide To Guns
From the website: "Girl's Guide to Guns is a website dedicated to women who dig fashion and fire power. Think of us this way: if one day Vogue and Guns&Ammo Magazine fell madly in love, got married and had babies, we would be their favorite child. Whether you're a champion shooter or have never picked up a gun in your life, we've got something for you."